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Castle Age Wiki

Meteorite is an event which takes place from time to time and usually lasts 7 to 9 days.

You will earn rewards at the end mostly based on your activity in Monsters.

Red mt Green mt Blue mt Gold mt


This event is announced with the following instructions:

1. Attack Monsters and Invade or Duel against other players in Battle to gain Meteorite.
2. Combine 1x each colored Meteorite through Alchemy to make a Gold Meteorite.
3. Create more Gold Meteorites and win top rewards!
* Meteorite gain deadline: <month> <day>, <year>, 20:00:00 PST
* Meteorite combine deadline: <month> <day>, <year>, 20:20:00 PST
* Leaderboard ranking ends: <month> <day>, <year>, 20:25:00 PST
* Leaderboard will refresh every 5 minutes
* All rewards will be sent out within 48 hours of the event ending
* Refine Crystal especially drops during the event


These are the actions that may drop meteorites:

  • Battles: Duel, Invade or War.
  • Monsters (regular or from Land of Mist): hitting, healing or strengthening.

You won't get meteorites:

  • Against Guild Monsters like Vincent, the Army of Apocalypse...
  • In Festival duels.
  • Using Conquest tokens, no matter how.

When awarded with a meteorite drop, it will be one of the following (randomly):

  • Red mt: Red Meteorite
  • Green mt: Green Meteorite
  • Blue mt: Blue Meteorite 


You can alchemize meteorites into gold meteorites, with this recipe:

  • Gold mt x1 =  1 eachRed mt Green mtBlue mt or
  • Gold mt x10 = 10 eachRed mt Green mtBlue mt

You can also perform the following:

  • Red mtx1 = Alchemy energy x20 + (Green mtx1 orBlue mtx1)
  • Green mtx1 = Alchemy energy x20 + (Red mtx1 orBlue mtx1)
  • Blue mtx1 = Alchemy energy x20 + (Red mtx1 orGreen mtx1)

The alchemies requiring 20 Energy also give 24 XP.


Your rank is determined by the amount of Gold mt Gold Meteorites you own.
The amount of Red mt Red, Green mt Green and Blue mt Blue Meteorites are used as a tiebreaker.
Once the event ends and the deadline for alchemies is over, you will be awarded with prizes based on:

  • The amount of Gold mt Gold Meteorites you own. These ones are cumulative (meaning that if you reach 200 Gold Meteorites, you will earn all the rewards listed below). Example from last event:
200  Rare Chaos Shards x1000
120  Smelting Crystal x150
 80  Red Crystal x50 + Blue Crystal x50 + Green Crystal x50
 30  Hero Crystal x10
 10  Free Chest Roll x1
  5  Full Stamina Refill x2
  1  Full Energy Refill x1
  • The rank you achieved. These ones are not cumulative. Example from last event:
Top 1      Legendary General Chest x7 + Beast Master  x1 + Free Chest Roll x10 + Rare Smelting Crystal x50 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 10     Legendary General Chest x5 + Free Chest Roll x10 + Rare Smelting Crystal x50 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 25     Legendary General Chest x4 + Free Chest Roll x8 + Rare Smelting Crystal x45 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 75     Legendary General Chest x2 + Free Chest Roll x8 + Rare Smelting Crystal x40 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 150    Legendary General Chest x1 + Free Chest Roll x8 + Rare Smelting Crystal x35 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 300    Legendary General Chest x1 + Free Chest Roll x7 + Rare Smelting Crystal x30 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 600    Legendary General Chest x1 + Free Chest Roll x6 + Rare Smelting Crystal x25 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 1000   Legendary General Chest x1 + Free Chest Roll x5 + Rare Smelting Crystal x20 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 2000   Free Chest Roll x5 + Full Stamina Refill x10
Top 3000   Free Chest Roll x4 + Full Stamina Refill x8
Top 5000   Free Chest Roll x3 + Full Stamina Refill x6
Top 8000   Free Chest Roll x2 + Full Stamina Refill x4
Top 11000  Free Chest Roll x1 + Full Stamina Refill x2
Top 15000  Full Stamina Refill x2
Top 20000  Full Energy Refill x1

Speculation & Strategy[]

The chance to get a meteorite when hitting or using energy on a monster depends on the amount of stamina or energy spent. Using bigger stamina or energy buttons gives a better chance at a drop.

As the chance of getting a meteorite seems to be linearly related to the amount of stamina or energy spent (this requires verification/testing though), using small or big stamina or energy buttons shouldn't matter much, as in the end, with a large number of clicks, the average number of meteorites earned shouldn't differ much.
Use bigger amounts if you want to be almost certain of getting a drop; smaller amounts if you're feeling lucky or like gambling!

The only thing that really matters is to avoid "overhitting". Because upon reaching high enough amounts of stamina or energy, you reach 100% chance of getting a meteorite (to be verified - but if not 100% it's very close).  So if you go above these amounts in one hit, you're wasting stamina/energy, as overhitting doesn't increase your chance to get a drop on your next hit(s).

Using 200 stamina seems to have 100% chance (or very close) to drop a meteorite. So using 300 stamina or even more in one hit (using Barbarus or Orc King for instance) will waste stamina, as it will also give you only 1 meteorite even if you use 600 or 1000 stamina, while you could have probably gotten 3 or 5 meteorites by doing 3 or 5 x 200 stamina hits (or even more meteorites with smaller hits if you're lucky).

Many people use 60, 150 or 200 stamina hits. 50 and 100 are also commonly used.

Using 300 energy at once seems to have between 75% and 80% chance to drop a meteorite (a 76.8% drop rate was observed with 177 heal actions of 300 energy). So using more than this (600 on a 200 energy button with Barbarus, or 500 / 1000 on a 100 or 200 energy button with Orc King) will waste energy.

Many people use 100 or 300 energy hits. 40 and 200 are also used.

All in all, it seems that a meteorite drop will be guaranteed for a 400 Skill Points use: 200 stamina or 400 energy (however there is basically no way of doing a 400 energy heal).

About duels and invades:
As they use only 1 stamina, the chance to get a meteorite this way is very low.

Related events[]

FLIPPED event[]

Red rose mt Yellow rose mt Blue rose mt Rainbow rose mt

An event named FLIPPED was introduced to celebrate the 2018 Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day. It was basically a Meteorite event, but Meteorites were named Roses and the main reward was Hera (hero introduced with this event) instead of Monkey King.

Happy Halloween event[]

Red candy Green candy Blue candy Gold candy

An event named Happy Halloween was introduced to celebrate Halloween 2018. It was basically a Meteorite event, but Meteorites were reskinned as candies (Gold Meteorites were Jack-O-Lanterns), and the top reward was Beast Master (hero introduced with this event) instead of Monkey King. The other rewards were exactly the same, exception made for Refine Crystals being replaced by Enhance Crystals on the rank-based prizes for Top 1000 and higher.

Extra info given on the event page:

New General  -  Beast Master:
Star 1 - Has a 10% chance to gain an extra attack on hit. Can chain repeatedly. Capped at 1 extra attacks.
Star 8 - Has a 60% chance to gain an extra attack on hit. Can chain repeatedly. Capped at 5 extra attacks.
(in Monster, Guild Battle and all new Team Battle feature)

Happy Easter event[]

Red egg (easter meteorite) Green egg (easter meteorite) Blue egg (easter meteorite) Rainbow egg (easter meteorite)

An event named Happy Easter was introduced to celebrate Easter 2019. It had the exact same rules and rewards as the previous Meteorite event, but Meteorites were reskinned as Eggs (Gold Meteorites being Rainbow Eggs).

10th Anniversary Festival[]

Anniversary coin

Castle Age 10th Anniversary included an event very similar to Meteorite, using Anniversary Coins. The main reward was the new general Moonlight Dragon instead of Legendary Chests.

St. Patrick's Day event[]

Pot of gold Green beer Leprechauns hat Shamrock

An event named St. Patrick's Day was introduced in March 2020. It had the exact same rules and rewards as the previous Meteorite event, but Meteorites were reskinned as Pot of Golds, Green Beers, Leprechauns Hats, and Shamrocks (the latter replacing the Gold Meteorites).

11th Anniversary - Anniversary Celebration[]

Meteorite anniversary party popper Meteorite anniversary colorful balloons Meteorite anniversary cream Meteorite anniversary cake

Castle Age 11th Anniversary included an event called Anniversary Celebration which was very similar to Meteorite, using Party Poppers, Colorful Balloons, Creams and Anniversary Cakes instead of Meteorites. The main reward was the new general Jormungand instead of Legendary Chests.

Happy Thanksgiving Day event[]

Thanksgiving acorn Thanksgiving pumpkin Thanksgiving corn Thanksgiving turkey

An event named Happy Thanksgiving Day was introduced in November 2020. It had the exact same rules and rewards as the previous Meteorite event, but Meteorites were reskinned as Acorns, Pumpkins, Corn, and Turkeys (the latter replacing the Gold Meteorites).

Valentine's Day event[]

Red rose mt Yellow rose mt Blue rose mt Rainbow rose mt

An event named Valentine's Day was introduced in February 2021. It had the exact same rules but slightly different rewards compared to the previous Meteorite event, and Meteorites were reskinned as Red, Yellow, Blue and Rainbow Roses (the latter replacing the Gold Meteorites).

12th Anniversary[]

12anniversary coin

Castle Age 12th Anniversary included an event very similar to Meteorite, using Anniversary Coins. The main reward was the new general Storm Dragon instead of Legendary Chests.



  • Gold Meteorites can be alchemized at any moment before the "Meteorite combine deadline"; do not trust your rank as many people might leave alchemies for the last moment.
  • Once the alchemy deadline is over, non alchemized metorites are lost, they do NOT remain in your inventory for next events.
  • Unlike Treasure Island, this event doesn't seem to have diminishing returns (your chances to get meteorites seem to remain the same no matter how many you already have).


  • In the 24th occurrence of the event (January 2022), the rewards were changed back to what they were before the 23rd occurrence: 2500 Stamina Potions x5 were changed back to Full Stamina Refill x10.
  • In the 23rd occurrence of the event (October 2021), the rewards were slightly modified again for top 150 and higher: 2500 Stamina Potion x5 replaced Full Stamina Refill x10. Lower ranks still receive Full Stamina Refills as before.
  • In the 21st occurrence of the event (April 2021) the rewards were changed again. Tungsten Ore requires a less lot GMs. And Legendary Chest amounts for top 1, 10 and 25 have been set back their previous values; while their amounts for top 75 and 150 have reached a new high.
    • Tungsten Ore: 350 Gold Meteorites (GMs) => 250 GMs
    • Legendary General Chests (LGC):
      • Top 1 --- 6 LGC => 7 LGC
      • Top 10 --- 4 LGC => 5 LGC
      • Top 25 --- 3 LGC => 4 LGC
      • Top 75 --- 2 LGC => 3 LGC
      • Top 150 --- 1 LGC => 2 LGC
  • In the 20th occurrence of the event (Valentine's Day in February 2021) the rewards were changed slightly. Tungsten Ore x1 was added as reward for reaching 350 Rainbow Roses. For reaching 120 Rainbow Roses, the reward went from 150 Smelting Crystals to 125. Top 1000 and better got less Rare Smelting Crystals, but starting with top 150 you would get a certain number of Tungsten Ores. However in return top 25, 10 and 1 became less appealing as 1 less Legendary Chest was offered as reward for those ranks (top 25: down to 3 from 4; top 10: down to 4 from 5; top 1: down to 6 from 7).
  • In the 16th occurrence of the event (May 2020), Smelting Crystals were introduced as rewards. Smelting Crystal x150 replaced Refine Crystal x100 for reaching 120 Gold Meteorites, and Rare Smelting Crystal x20-x50 replaced Enhance Crystal x50-x100 in top 1000 and above.
  • In the 11th occurrence of the event (June 2019), the rewards description was showing that Refine Crystals had come back in the rewards for top 1000 and higher, replacing Enhance Crystals. However it was an error, Enhance Crystals were given out at the end.
  • The rewards of the Meteorite event of January 2019 remained the same as the rewards from the Happy Halloween event; Beast Master replaced Monkey King as the reward for rank 1, and Refine Crystals were replaced by Enhance Crystals on the rank-based prizes for Top 1000 and higher. Furthermore, a new "rule" was added in this occurrence of the event: "Refine Crystal especially drops during the event". This means that Refine Crystals were dropping randomly when hitting monsters during the event.
  • The Legendary Chest was first introduced through the Meteorite event of April 2018. It was later used in other features of the game. It replaced Monkey King as the main reward for top 1000 and above, and Monkey King replaced Thane in the rank 1 rewards.
  • When first introduced, the event was heavily featuring Monkey King and his gear. It was the main reward for ranking high on the Leaderboard, instead of Legendary Chests. And Thane was the "top general" reward for rank 1.